OARSI Weekly Briefing - June 9, 2023

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Announcement of Felix Eckstein as OARSI National Ambassador For Austria

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The OARSI Strategic Alliance Committee (SAC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Felix Eckstein as OARSI National Ambassador in Austria. Felix Eckstein, MD, is the Research Professor & Head Department of Imaging-based & Functional Musculoskeletal Research at the Institute of Anatomy & Cell Biology, Paracelsus Medical University in  Salzburg. Felix has been a long-standing member of OARSI and an innovator of imaging technologies in the field of OA research. Through his OA research network connections in Austria, Felix looks forward to promoting OARSI activities, and will be instrumental in bringing more attention to OARSI in Austria particularly as the 2024 World Congress on Osteoarthritis will be held in Vienna.  , and to contacting early career investigators and other researchers to attend and He is dedicated to expanding the base of early career investigators and other researchers to participate in OARSI educational opportunities and to become OARSI members.

The SAC and OARSI leadership are very pleased to have Felix take on this role and look forward to working together. Congratulations!

Gun-il Im, MD, PhD

OARSI President

George R. Dodge, PhD

OARSI Chair, Strategic Alliance Committee


OARSI Seeks Candidates for Board Positions


Board of Directors Call for Nominations

OARSI is now accepting applications for the Board of Directors for a 4-year term beginning in April, 2024. The Board requires members whose backgrounds, skills and experience match the OARSI mission and its current and future needs. Service on the OARSI Board demands a considerable commitment of time and talent to advance the goals and objectives of the organization.

The Nominating Committee will review all applications and make recommendations to the Board. The Nominating Committee seeks to maintain gender, geographical and specialty balance. All OARSI members, except those employed by industry, or who own a for-profit company related to the OA field, are eligible to serve on the Board of Directors. Members may self-nominate and/or nominate another member.

If you are interested in applying for a board position or nominating another member, please complete and submit the application form. Once we receive it, you will be sent a username and password in order to complete an online disclosure. Deadline for receipt is August 31, 2023.


  •       OARSI Membership
  •       Short CV or bio sketch (5 pages maximum)
  •       One Letter of recommendation (only one letter of recommendation may be included)

Click here to begin the application.

More details about the OARSI Nominations, Elections and Voting Processes can be found on the OARSI website, here: https://oarsi.org/about-board-directors/nominations-policies-and-procedures

Please contact OARSI Executive Director Elizabeth Grotos (egrotos@oarsi.org) with any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your consideration, and your support of OARSI!


Are You Interested in Serving as an OARSI National Ambassador?


The Strategic Alliances Committee continues to seek volunteers to serve in this new National Ambassador role. The purpose of the National Ambassador Program is to promote the presence and membership of OARSI in each country.  

Please complete and submit the form found at this link to be considered for a National Ambassador position.  Details about the program may be found here.


SER-OARSI Symposium “From Biomarkers to Precision Medicine in Knee Osteoarthritis"


OARSI is pleased to endorse this upcoming symposium with the Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER) to be held June 22-23, 2023 in A Coruña Spain.

Register and information here: https://www.ser.es/evento/simposio-general-2/

See the program here: https://www.ser.es/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Programa-SER-OARSI-1.pdf

For any information regarding registration for this Congress, please send an e-mail to: formacion@ser.es.



Did you miss an OARSI webinar?


OARSI Live webinar recordings are available to members for free as a membership benefit. If you missed this or any of our recent webinars, you may view them on the OARSI Live Webinar Recordings page. Be sure to have your OARSI username and password handy to access this member-protected page.




Important Dates & Upcoming Deadlines