
The Program Committee plans the annual OARSI Congress. The Committee selects the abstract categories, session topics, speakers and review the pre-Congress workshops. The Committee also reviews and scores abstracts.

Program Chair

Jérémie Sellam
Sorbonne University

Abstract Chair

Mona Dvir-Ginzberg
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Board Liaison

Mohit Kapoor, PhD
University Health Network
 Toronto, Canada

Committee Members

Michelle Hall
University of Melbourne
Seungwoo Han
Kyungpook National University Hospital
 Republic of Korea
Catherine Le Visage
Nantes University
Larry W. Moreland
University of Colorado
Hongwei Ouyang
Zhejiang University
Indira Prasadam
Queensland University
Frank Roemer
University of Erlangen
Thomas Hügle
University Hospital Lausanne
Jessica Bertrand
Otto-von-Guericke University
Marie Binvignat
Sorbonne University
Matlock Jeffries
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Raghunatha Yammani
Wake Forest University School of Medicine