OARSI Young Investigator Committee is recruiting new members

The OARSI Young Investigator Committee (YISC) is currently accepting applications for 3 new members to join us for a 3-year term, starting at the upcoming 2019 OARSI Congress in Toronto.

The YISC was established in 2008 to encourage greater participation of young investigators in OARSI.  YISC is responsible for the organisation of several key activities at the annual OARSI Congress, including pre-congress and lunchtime workshops and our ‘Meet-the-Mentor’ session and social event, which provide fantastic opportunities for informal networking, scientific and career advice.  YISC closely collaborates with the OARSI Board of Directors, Congress Program Committee and other OARSI Subcommittees, aiming to further develop interaction and participation of students, postdocs and junior faculty members within the OARSI community. 

Further information regarding the current committee can be found at www.oarsi.org/young-investigators/committee-members.


Applications are open to highly motivated early to mid-career OARSI members active within any area of osteoarthritis research.  Applicants need to be committed to attending the 2019-2022 OARSI meetings at their own expense.

Questions can be forwarded to the current YISC chair, Martijn van den Bosch (martijn.vandenbosch@Radboudumc.nl)

Application process

Applications can be submitted using the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JPNJ32S

Applications from Young Investigators to join other OARSI committees are also encouraged!